
The text below is Copyright © 2015 The Alcohol Professor.

Takestsuru’s family was in the sake brewing business, but he developed a passion for whisky. So in 1918 he went to Glasgow, Scotland (as a chemistry student at the University of Glasgow) so he could study whisky making. By doing so he became the first ever Japanese to learn the art of whisky making. After 2 years in Scotland, Taketsuru returned to Japan and he wasn’t alone. He brought his wife, Rita, a Scots woman he met while in Glasgow and together they became known as the Father and Mother of Japanese Whisky.

In 1934 Taketsuru founded what is now known as Nikka Whisky in the town of Yoichi on the island of Hokkaido. He specifically chose Yoichi because the environment and cold climate reminded him of Glasgow. In 1949 the first bottle of Nikka Whisky hit the Japanese market. Even with the war raging on, it soon became a favorite with locals and Naval officers stationed in Japan.

The Taketsuru Pure Malt is a vatting of 12 year old whisky from both the Nikka distilleries: Yoichi and Miyagikyo. Unlike the first distillery which sits near salt water, the Miyagikyo distillery is housed between two fresh water rivers and surrounded by mountains. This environment lends itself to a milder malt. With this milder malt and sweeter, smooth taste, Taketsuru is a great introduction to Japanese whisky. In 2012 the Taketsuru Pure Malt 12 year old was Silver medal winner in the New York International Spirits Competition.


Whisky (navn og år) Nikka Taketsuru 12 år
Kommentar 40%
Dato for vurdering 19.03.15
Møtet avholdt hos Terje

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